When you work for yourself, you can create any routine you want. Some people may stick to a usual 9-5, Monday-Friday schedule. On the other hand, you might have another idea for a routine in mind. Here are some tips for creating your daily schedule.
Early birds get things done most effectively before lunchtime. Night owls tend to get their creative burst of energy in the evenings. Consider when you work best, and group your tasks into the time of day that makes the most sense for when you will best complete them.
Life gets in the way of even the most detailed of routines. The point is to harness your most productive times to use for your most challenging tasks, and your least productive times to do the more mundane tasks. There might be times when you have to go to a doctor’s appointment during the hours you usually set aside for work, or your evening is taken up by a social gathering—life gets in the way, but a daily routine will keep things flowing smoothly, despite hiccups.
Take your new routine for a test drive for 30 days. How does it feel? Did you schedule your tasks at activities at times that make sense? Do you need to adjust things? Change anything that is not working on a case-by-case basis, and then assess after 30 days to see how your new routine is working for you.
May 11, 2020